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Issue 55 and Cuyahoga Arts & Culture

LAND Studio - Photo by Bob Perkoski

On November 5, 2024, Cuyahoga County voters will have the opportunity to vote on Issue 55, a replacement and expansion of the tax on cigarettes that funds Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.

Cuyahoga Arts & Culture (CAC) is funded by a tax on cigarettes approved by voters in 2006 and reapproved in 2015. Levy funding allows CAC to fund millions of arts and cultural experiences for residents each year, in every zip code across Cuyahoga County.

CAC revenues have declined by more than 50% since 2006. While anticipated – as fewer cigarettes are sold each year – revenues continue to decline precipitously, reducing the funds available for grants to the nearly 300 nonprofits CAC funds each year. 

The levy question replaces the current tax of 15 mills (1½ cents) per cigarette sold in Cuyahoga County with a tax of 35 mills (3½ cents) per cigarette. The new levy could generate an estimated $160 million over the next 10 years, increasing levels of support after years of steady decline.

Cuyahoga Arts & Culture is a strong steward of the public's money. Since 2007, CAC has made over 4,000 grants totaling $247 million to 485 nonprofits. CAC will:

  • continue to invest millions annually in hundreds of organizations who bring art and culture to life in our communities.
  • support tens of thousands of programs and events that enhance education, enrich quality of life and support the local economy.
  • continue to steward public funds and support arts & culture in every community in Cuyahoga County.

Public funding for arts and culture is a difference-maker in our community. With expanded funding, CAC will continue its mission to inspire and strengthen the community by investing in arts and culture.

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CAC Staff