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Cuyahoga Arts & Culture Receives 17th Consecutive Clean Audit 

LAND Studio - Photo by Bob Perkoski

CLEVELAND For the 17th year, Cuyahoga Arts & Culture (CAC) has earned a clean audit report with no material findings from the Ohio Auditor of State. Cuyahoga Arts & Culture’s complete financial audit report is now available on the Auditor of State’s website. CAC also was named a recipient of the Auditor of State Award, as it met specific criteria of a clean audit report.  

Each year since CAC was established, the independent public agency has earned a clean audit report. For CAC’s fiscal year 2023, the Ohio Auditor of State “did not identify any deficiencies in internal control” and found “no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.” 

“The Auditor of State’s report recognizes Cuyahoga Arts & Culture as a trusted steward of public funding for Cuyahoga County’s arts nonprofits,” said Daniel Blakemore, vice president of CAC’s Board of Trustees and member of CAC’s Audit and Finance Committee. “We take seriously our commitment to transparency, and that is reflected in our track record of clean audits each year since CAC first began its work.”  

As a political subdivision of the State of Ohio, CAC is required to undergo an annual audit, conducted by the Ohio Auditor of State, to verify that public funds are spent appropriately and lawfully. 

Cuyahoga Arts & Culture (CAC) is a regional arts and cultural district and a political subdivision of the state. Established by voters in 2006, CAC is the largest arts and culture funder in the region. To date CAC has made over 3,000 grants, totaling over $247M in tax dollars, to more than 485 organizations serving County residents. 


View the audit: 

View the Auditor of State Award criteria: 

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CAC Staff